Replicate Version control for machine learning

This is the reference for the Replicate command-line interface. You can also see this in the terminal by running replicate --help or replicate command --help.

To install the command-line interface, see the installation instructions.


replicate analytics

The Replicate CLI sends anonymous analytics about commands you run.

The following data is sent on each command line invokation:

  • A random token for the machine (e.g. "9f3027bb-0eb8-917d-e5bf-c6c1bdb1fd0a")
  • The subcommand you ran, without any options or arguments (e.g. "replicate run", not "replicate run python")
  • The Replicate version (e.g. "1.0.0")
  • Your CPU architecture (e.g. "amd64")
  • Your operating system (e.g. "linux")

To learn more, please refer to

These analytics really help us, and we'd really appreciate it if you left it on. But, if you want to opt out, you can run this command:

replicate analytics off


replicate analytics <on|off> [flags]


-h, --help help for analytics
--color Display color in output (default true)
-D, --project-directory string Project directory. Default: nearest parent directory with replicate.yaml
-v, --verbose Verbose output

replicate checkout

Copy files from an experiment or checkpoint into the project directory


replicate checkout <experiment or checkpoint ID> [flags]


-f, --force Force checkout without prompt, even if the directory is not empty
-h, --help help for checkout
-o, --output-directory string Output directory (defaults to working directory or directory with replicate.yaml in it)
--path string A specific file or directory to checkout (defaults to all files or directory in checkpoint/experiment)
-R, --repository string Repository URL (e.g. 's3://my-replicate-bucket' (if omitted, uses repository URL from replicate.yaml)
--color Display color in output (default true)
-D, --project-directory string Project directory. Default: nearest parent directory with replicate.yaml
-v, --verbose Verbose output

replicate diff

Compare two experiments or checkpoints.

If an experiment ID is passed, it will pick the best checkpoint from that experiment. If a primary metric is not defined in replicate.yaml, it will use the latest checkpoint.


replicate diff <ID> <ID> [flags]


-h, --help help for diff
-R, --repository string Repository URL (e.g. 's3://my-replicate-bucket' (if omitted, uses repository URL from replicate.yaml)
--color Display color in output (default true)
-D, --project-directory string Project directory. Default: nearest parent directory with replicate.yaml
-v, --verbose Verbose output

replicate feedback

Submit feedback to the team!


replicate feedback [flags]


-h, --help help for feedback
--color Display color in output (default true)
-D, --project-directory string Project directory. Default: nearest parent directory with replicate.yaml
-v, --verbose Verbose output

replicate ls

List experiments in this project


replicate ls [flags]


List all experiments in the current project:
$ replicate ls
List experiments that have run for 50 steps or less:
$ replicate ls --filter "step <= 50"
List experiments where the parameter "optimizer" is "adam" and
the best "accuracy" metric is greater than 0.8:
$ replicate ls --filter "optimizer = adam" --filter "accuracy > 0.8"
Sort all stopped experiments by the metric "val_loss":
$ replicate ls --sort "val_loss" --filter "status = stopped"


--all Output all params and metrics. Default: only params/metrics that differ
-f, --filter stringArray Filters (format: "<name> <operator> <value>")
-h, --help help for ls
--json Print output in JSON format
-q, --quiet Only print experiment IDs
-R, --repository string Repository URL (e.g. 's3://my-replicate-bucket' (if omitted, uses repository URL from replicate.yaml)
-s, --sort string Sort key. Suffix with '-desc' for descending sort, e.g. --sort=started-desc (default "started")
--color Display color in output (default true)
-D, --project-directory string Project directory. Default: nearest parent directory with replicate.yaml
-v, --verbose Verbose output

replicate ps

List running experiments in this project


replicate ps [flags]


--all Output all params and metrics. Default: only params/metrics that differ
-f, --filter stringArray Filters (format: "<name> <operator> <value>")
-h, --help help for ps
--json Print output in JSON format
-q, --quiet Only print experiment IDs
-R, --repository string Repository URL (e.g. 's3://my-replicate-bucket' (if omitted, uses repository URL from replicate.yaml)
-s, --sort string Sort key. Suffix with '-desc' for descending sort, e.g. --sort=started-desc (default "started")
--color Display color in output (default true)
-D, --project-directory string Project directory. Default: nearest parent directory with replicate.yaml
-v, --verbose Verbose output

replicate rm

Remove experiments or checkpoints.

To remove experiments or checkpoints, pass any number of IDs (or prefixes).


replicate rm <experiment or checkpoint ID> [experiment or checkpoint ID...] [flags]


Delete an experiment and its checkpoints
(where a1b2c3d4 is an experiment ID):
replicate rm a1b2c3d4
Delete all experiments where the metric "val_accuracy" is less
than 0.2 at the best checkpoints:
replicate rm $(replicate ls -q --filter "val_accuracy < 0.2")


-f, --force Force delete without interactive prompt
-h, --help help for rm
-R, --repository string Repository URL (e.g. 's3://my-replicate-bucket' (if omitted, uses repository URL from replicate.yaml)
--color Display color in output (default true)
-D, --project-directory string Project directory. Default: nearest parent directory with replicate.yaml
-v, --verbose Verbose output

replicate show

View information about an experiment or checkpoint


replicate show <experiment or checkpoint ID> [flags]


-h, --help help for show
--json Print output in JSON format
-R, --repository string Repository URL (e.g. 's3://my-replicate-bucket' (if omitted, uses repository URL from replicate.yaml)
--color Display color in output (default true)
-D, --project-directory string Project directory. Default: nearest parent directory with replicate.yaml
-v, --verbose Verbose output